14 April 2009


Our new family addition!!
No, not Kristen....we've had her for 16yrs! And this is her first car...what could be more fun than a Bug!! The best part was telling her on April 1st that her dad had picked up a car for her at work because of course we knew she wouldn't believe us...c'mon - it's April Fool's day! He then handed her a key, at which she stared at in total disbelief, and laughed nervously and excitedly for about 2 days until he actually brought the car home.
I have to admit, i love driving it too...it's so fun to toot around town in!


  1. Hello Joyce,
    Congratulations with your blog!!
    You did it!
    I have added you to my favourites and will check back often, can't wait to see all your creations, no pressure of course.
    Are you gonna take me for a ride in the BUG??
    That would be fun, talk to you later, Anja

  2. hey mom.
    the beetle is cool.
    i like this blog.
    have fun.

  3. Congrats on your new blog Joyce! Tetcy suggested I get my own, and so far I haven't done anything about it, but maybe now....
