16 February 2010

Let's Go Dutch!

An assortment of cards I've been making with the SU set Netherlands that I hope to sell at work. I have some more in the works right now, but they are not quite done. There have been some customers ask if we sell greeting cards....well, now we do!! I have some non-dutch cards to include in my box as well, but I'm hoping these will be a hit with the Dutchies!! Wish me luck! Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your day!


  1. What great idea! I know they'll sell quickly.

  2. I bet you those will sell first!! You did a great job! What a nice set, he he!
    Have fun hanging out with BK, take care, Anja

  3. Such awesome work. You are so creative, girl!! Hoping to set a girl's night away in June. Sound like a great idea. Possibly the 14th of June? I'll email Judy and Beth and Anita
